Jeepers if this pandemic wasn’t stressful enough on its own, now we have to have the additional stress of a potential job loss. Can’t a girl catch a break? We know losing your job can be shocking and devastating. A lot of us tend to link our self-worth to the work we do. How can […]
Tag Archives: self-love
So, it’s the month of love and some of us might be super keen to celebrate while others might be feeling super lonely and just trying to avoid it altogether. We’d like to let you know that we are all here for you no matter how you are feeling. Self-love is just as important as […]
In with the new, out with the old they say…but how true is that when it comes to beauty? Here are a few tips on what to ditch and what you should hang on to. Change your foundation We tend to spend more time outdoors in summer so, to keep your makeup and complexion looking […]
Many of us who are single spend our days wondering when the perfect man will come into our lives and finally leave us feeling complete. But truth is we are spending so many of our precious years trying to find our dream man when we should actually be living our best life. According to relationship […]
rubies, happy September and happy Spring! There is officially 4 months left of this life-changing, crazy year, 2020 – can you believe it? We certainly can’t. If this year taught us something, it was to stay positive and to help others in a time of difficulties and uncertainty. It’s not easy, we know, being kind […]
Who doesn’t need some help in this department with the current state of affairs that we are all experiencing? Times are tough and right now if we can be honest with ourselves there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of this tunnel anytime soon. Despite that being said we all need ways […]
Sometimes you just outgrow people. Sometimes you outgrow yourself. Sometimes you outgrow your environment. Sometimes you outgrow who you wanted to be. Sometimes you outgrow who you have become.
Here is why you need to learn to love being alone first..
Negative Self Talk Tips..
Yet another reminder not to trust everything you see on Instagram..
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