There’s no doubt that what makes the best self-help book is very much subjective – it’s very much dependant on the person reading its goals, past experiences and the way their brain works. But one common thread about life changing self-help books is the fact that they act as a catalyst for change. Let’s be […]
Tag Archives: self-help
Though we’re still technically in Autumn, it feels like winter is well and truly here. Days are getting colder and longer, and sunlight is becoming scarce. For many of us, our mood can begin to reflect our environment. We find ourselves feeling down and our energy levels plummet, making it difficult for us to function […]
Hi rubies, This week we have decided to focus on self-care and ways in which we can help ourselves get our sh*t together. So, in this spirit we thought to chat about mental health. We know life has become awfully strange and with no sense of much normality coming back anytime soon we know it […]
Who doesn’t need some help in this department with the current state of affairs that we are all experiencing? Times are tough and right now if we can be honest with ourselves there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of this tunnel anytime soon. Despite that being said we all need ways […]