Tag Archives: 2020

2020 Gift Guide

2020 gift guide

Silly season has arrived and it seems like everyone is scrambling all over to get their end-of-year and festive shopping done ASAP. We have rounded up some of our FAV gift ideas that are perfect for your female friends, family, or colleagues and great for those last-minute gifts! SELF-CARE GIFT IDEAS: Face Masks from PHILOSOPHY […]

Getting festive without breaking the bank

The festive season is looming and our bank cards want to go into hiding! For most of us, it’s a really costly time of year. There is so much pressure on making memories with family and friends – we entertain, party, and spoil our loved ones, or even ourselves! You may be one of the […]

The Last Of 2020

Who knew we would get here! The last month of 2020 is here finally and what a year it has been. We’re sure a lot of you feel the same way we do about this year. Some might describe this year as a complete and total mess and others might describe it as the year […]

rubies talk: “2020”

Welcome to our third edition of #rubiestalk – thank you to all the rubies who took part in our second edition, “rubies talk: diets & healthy eating” which you can find here. Our topic for this week is rubies talk: 2020 We want to hear how things are going with you with regards to all […]

2 Months left of 2020!

2 Months left of 2020!

You know the end of the year is around the corner when Christmas decor has taken over your local shopping center and ♫ Jingle Bells ♫ is on repeat. But it’s true, there is officially 2 months left of 2020! Just as extremely long this year has felt, at the same time, it flashed before […]

Dress Up Inspo for this Halloween

COVID-19 might’ve ruined the majority of our 2020 but one thing’s for sure it won’t have anything on our Halloween. Yes, we will need to be careful and maintain social distancing but there really isn’t anything more exciting than Halloween and planning your crazy wild outfit. What is there not to do but go all […]

Only THREE MONTHS left of 2020


Where has this year gone? SERIOUSLY do any of you feel like we have been in a constant time-lapse for the past 6 months. I guess 2020 is one of those years that puts everything in perspective. Seasonal changes almost always get us in a slump, so if you are feeling like us at the […]

Hello September [Newsletter]

September Newsletter 2020

rubies, happy September and happy Spring! There is officially 4 months left of this life-changing, crazy year, 2020 – can you believe it? We certainly can’t. If this year taught us something, it was to stay positive and to help others in a time of difficulties and uncertainty. It’s not easy, we know, being kind […]

Let’s Talk all Things Tattoos

Let’s Talk all Things Tattoos

So, rubies, let’s talk tattoos. Have you got one? If not, do you want one? And if you want one what and where would you get one? These are often just a few of the questions that come to mind when the subject of tattoos comes up. Oh, and let’s not forget those judgmental stares […]

2020 Trending Beauty Tips

2020 Trending Beauty Tips

We know 2020 hasn’t gone as planned and we know we aren’t the only ones feeling this way. The only thing that ever boosts our moods is makeup. And, what a better time to get experimenting then right now when we honestly have nothing better to do. So, go ahead and try those bold colours […]