Tag Archives: December

[NEWSLETTER] Ho, Ho Ho: Survival tips for the office Secret Santa

Ho, Ho Ho: How to survive Secret Santa in the office And just like that it’s Christmas time again when Secret Santa promises to set the festive mood in workplaces across the country. While some may feel this merrymaking seems innocent, others may feel a sense of severe anxiety attached to all things gifting. On […]

Fluffy Flapjack Cake with Creamy Vanilla Buttercream

When anyone asks me what my secret ingredient is in my baked goods I always answer with VANILLA!! I have always added a little extra to all of my recipes, it just adds that little something! This Fluffy Flapjack Cake with Creamy Vanilla Buttercream is the ultimate combination of breakfast and dessert. The layers of […]

The Last Of 2021

Wow, what a whirlwind 2021 has been and I am sure you are just as shocked as we are to know that it’s almost over. As silly season approaches we like to take time out to reflect on the year that has past and all that we have been through and trust everyone has been […]

Be money smart this festive season💰

The festive season is around the corner and the spending spree is loading. No matter how hard we try, it’s really difficult not to overspend at this time of year. With a bit of thought and forward planning, you can be level headed and avoid the financial hangover that often pops in January! Some tips […]

The Last Of 2020

Who knew we would get here! The last month of 2020 is here finally and what a year it has been. We’re sure a lot of you feel the same way we do about this year. Some might describe this year as a complete and total mess and others might describe it as the year […]