Jeepers being a women is tough, if it’s not us worrying about what we look like or our hair we have to be worried about if everything smells normal down there! Can’t seem to catch a break.
Chances are your vagina smells just fine, but if you notice anything unusual odor related we might have the answers for you. Firstly let’s get this out of the way some type of vaginal odor is normal. Despite what all the marketing and tabloids tell you there is nothing wrong with the way your vagina smells and its completely normal to have some sort of smell. Remember it’s not going to smell like wildflowers – it’s a vagina for heaven’s sake.
If you notice any changes in smell the first thing you should do is consult your doctor. But you might be surprised at a number of things that might cause your vagina’s natural scent to be a little off.
How and why does vaginal odor happen?
1. You have a bacterial infection
Bacterial vaginosis also known as B.V is the most common vaginal infection in people aged from 15 to 44. This is often caused by too much of certain bacteria in your vagina and this throws your pH levels out.
2. You ate something funky
We’ve all heard those rumours about if you eat a certain type of food your vagina will smell sweeter. Turns out there really isn’t much scientific backing for this statement but experts have heard in some cases of it happening.
If you are worried though and your normal scent has changed slightly, maybe back track and see if it’s not maybe food related. If not consult with your local GP.
3. Recently had sex without a condom
We all know things smell a little different down there after having sex. If you think about it you have just mixed your fluids with someone else’s along with sweat. Also semen has a higher pH level so that does cause odor to form. Don’t panic though – it’s nothing a good shower can’t fix.
4. You have your period
Your vagina definitely smells a lot more intense when you’re bleeding, go figure. Blood has an elevated pH and this can throw your vaginal flora off during your period. Take note this is not a huge change in scent and will go away once your period finishes.
5. Yeast issue
When we think yeast infection we think a certain discharge. You’ve got the right thinking but another important factor is the particular odor that might develop. Simply pop into your nearest pharmacy and get yeast infection medication, that should clear the infection up in no time.
6. You worked out recently
Breaking a sweat in the gym can cause an unpleasant vaginal odor due to sweat being trapped down there. We also tend to wear tight fitting gym clothes that also don’t really help the situation. This can be cured by just having a nice hot shower – using plain water or a mild soap.
7. Wearing the wrong underwear
The type of undies you wear matter, ALWAYS. Cotton is king in this case because other materials tend to trap moisture down there affecting the overall balance and bacteria.
Ladies, despite everything vaginal odor is normal. It can vary from mild to a slightly unpleasant smell. It’s like sweat everyone has their own scent. However, if it is quite strong smelling there’s an issue.
– Fishy scent
This is a sign of B.V. (bacterial vaginosis) as your pH level is completely out of whack which causes the bad, fishy odor. It’s super important to discuss this with your doctor so he/she can help figure out what’s going on.
– Smells like a zoo…
This could be caused by a forgotten tampon which causes your vagina to really really smell bad. The old blood causes the bad smell and it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria or infection. Luckily it can be solved easily with the help of your gynaecologist.
If you are dealing with a musky smell, it could be due to you hanging around in workout clothes too much.
– If it smells like bread..
Now one would typically think this is a good thing because who doesn’t love the smell of freshly baked bread. But the chances are good that you have a yeast infection. Luckily you can get an over the counter cream to fix that issue right up.
How to prevent/get rid of vaginal odor?
It’s important to keep in mind that your vagina is not supposed to smell like a freshly cut bouquet of flowers. So steer clear from sprays, deodorants or douches that claim that once used your vagina will smell like cookies and cream. Things like that often just make everything worse.
Tips to prevent vaginal odor
- Stay on top of your tampon use, especially during the end of your period. Set a reminder on your phone if you have to, just so you don’t forget.
- Use a condom. Not using them will increase your risks of having several conditions that will lead to vaginal odors.
- Eat healthy. Yes, there’s no clear cut link between your diet and how your vag smalls but what you eat can be a factor in your vaginal odor.
- Get out of your sweaty gym clothes ASAP. There’s no need to sit around in them all day if you don’t need to. Your vagina will thank you later!
- Treat yourself to new undies, especially if you notice an unpleasant change in your vaginal odor. Remember cotton is KING!
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This article is very helpful and I always tell my teen students about women’s health because it is so important.I have had this problem in the past.Basic intimate hygiene,a lot of water and avoiding tight fitting clothes is also helpful.
Thank you for this article….
Thank you for the information
Thanks for this enlightenment
Wonderful article, I am going to stick to 100% cotton undies..
Loved Loved Loved this article and found it helpful indeed😊👍Great points on what the cause could be for the odour empowering us as woman with the knowledge. Thanks for the tips Rubybox keep the interesting articles coming ☺
I like this article it helps alot for women to stay healthy
What a good read! Women’s health awareness/education is really important and good content that educates ladies goes a long way. PS: Treating ourselves to new undies OFTEN should really be a thing.
A very good read. Very important information as many women think that a vigina should always smell like fresh roses
absolutely loved it…. i will definitely be telling my daughter about the cotton undies…. as it is she already uses glycerine soap or the wash specifically for down under and only drinks water and green tea in an attempt to avoid and/or get some sort of control over her periodic odour issue
I enjoyed this read it was very informative, thanks Rubybox
absolutely loved reading this article its such a sensitive issue to a lot of women. I find that if I use a intimate cleanser a natural one it keeps me feeling clean and fresh for most of the day even if you dnt have an odour. Some of the cleansers has probiotics in with herbal extracts as well no harsh chemicals or parabens and I prefer it for personal freshness.
thank. you for the article
How about steaming. Is it good to steam under there when you have an unpleasant smell?