Tag Archives: hygiene

Handbag Hygiene 101

Handbags are a girls best friend and tend to go everywhere and anywhere with us. We often forget the health risk of having a handbag. It is known that a woman’s handbag could house more bacteria than a public toilet. So in order to avoid this we have put a list together to ensure your […]

SA women sells her car to start a business now worth R67 million

SA women sells her car to start a business now worth R67 million

We all need a little inspiration especially in times like these when the end of lockdown feels ages away. Often we as women forget how powerful and innovative we can be when we put our minds to it. One women shows exactly how powerful an idea can be if you take a risk on your […]

rubybox & blogger reviews: Dettol eventone™ pomegranate hygiene soap

Our rubies and bloggers pout the NEW Dettol eventide™ pomegranate hygiene soap to the test -0 this is what they had to say