[Newsletter] End of Year Rut Getting You Down? 👀

Jeepers and just like that it’s November

We’re certain you would agree when we say most of us are exhausted- emotionally, mentally and physically. As the countdown to the festive season nears, office productivity is dwindling, some people are more relaxed with their routines and others are actually just over it!

In an effort to finish this year on a high note, we have compiled some practical points that will help you soldier through the final stretch:

  1. Mind the power of your words: No matter what is happening around you in your external life always choose to respond/speak positively even though it might seem impossible
  2. Tap into your friends’ energy: Arrange a catch up session with that one super positive friend of yours and let all that positive energy rub off on you!
  3. Ditch the clutter: Clean up areas of your workplace or do a closet clean up. Just the process of letting go clears your space and your mind.
  4. Give back: Do something good by donating to the less fortunate – this is a great way to remind ourselves how blessed we are in spite of the challenges we are currently facing
  5. Prioritise: Look at your tasks and pick those that you can reasonably execute on before the end of the year.
  6. Remain grateful ALWAYS: For all the lessons and experienced that have taught you this year.

Good things can still come from the last 50 days this year: I wish you all the best as you countdown to the festive season.

Things are getting super busy on rubybox with only 2 months of 2021 remaining and we’re going to end the year off with a bang. Be sure to check out our current test & review campaigns and much more below.


  • NIVEA SUN SPF face cream – click to read more
  • Vawter Hard Seltzer – click to read more


  • NIVEA SUN Competition – click to ENTER NOW
  • Vawter Hard Seltzer Competition – click to ENTER NOW



Congratulations to our lucky winners: Sibabalwe Khopho & Rebecca Sathekge. Who have each won an R1000 Superbalist Voucher. We will be in contact on Tuesday, 2 November 2021, regarding details. Thank you for participating and updating your rubybox beauty profile.

This month we thought we’d thought we’d help you get a head start on Christmas shopping with another Superbalist Voucher Giveaway.

Stand a chance to WIN 2 x R1500 Superbalist Vouchers

  • All you have to do is leave a comment on your favourite rubybox article during the month of November (Every comment is an entry so you can enter more than once) – rubybox magazine
  • Competition closes at midnight on 30th of November 2021 and winners will be emailed on Wednesday 1st December 2021!


Keep your eyes peeled rubies for more exciting campaigns launching throughout November – we are in for a wild finish to 2021!

rise up beautiful you 


**Competition T&C: This competition is open to all South African residents and rubybox members only. The prize is 2X R1500 Superbalist Vouchers. 2 winners will be selected. The vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash. The selected winners will need to have an email address for the vouchers to be sent to. To enter you need to follow the exact instructions as mentioned above (Comment on your fav rubybox article throughout the month of November) The winners will have 48 hours to acknowledge winning as well as confirm their email address. Should the winners fail to do this within 48 hours of being notified another winner will be selected in their place. The competition will close at midnight 30/11/2021 and the winners will be announced 1/12/2021. Judge’s decision is final.

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95 thoughts on “[Newsletter] End of Year Rut Getting You Down? 👀

  1. masesi83 says:

    Thank you rubybox for your words of encouragement. You have been with us the whole of 2021 encouraging us. Every time when I feel down I just open your newsletters and read. Thank you ❤️

      • Mpho A. says:

        Thank you Rubybox and the whole newsletter team. Your november newsletter is the best. It was both encouraging and very inspirational. We as woman need to work together. We are the mothers of the Nation, the care takers of the future. We need to stand together, encourage one another and build our fellow sister. Womandla is the future. Lets stand together and as one, Sisters all the way!

    • Kgaugelo L. says:

      Happy November everyone!❤ I finally got chosen to test and review a product…I’m so ecstatic and I can’t wait to receive more and join competitions as well

  2. Ingrid C. says:

    Where has the time gone. Normalcy is no more. We have evolved with a force that has shaken us up and have us thinking out the box and rethinking even all that too. The university of life demands your full attention. Carpe diem but peep into what the future may hold to explore new possibilities.

  3. Natasha S. says:

    Blessed November Month to all the Rubies😇 By this time of the year one is Totally Drained and Exhausted for Sure😤 Positivity is Key nontheless☺ I agree we should always be grateful no matter what is happening around us. It’s exciting that the Festive Season is on our doorstep😗 I will definately Opt-In for the new survey for Hair Colour😊 Congratulations to the two winners you must be so excited 💚💝💜💞💟💓

  4. Tshepiso M. says:

    With 2 months left for the year to end, I would like to thank you rubybox for what you have done for your members. The insightful articles will always be in my every day life. It was tough year with this pandemic but we managed. 🥰😘