Let’s be honest we weren’t all born with smooth, bright, glowing skin.
But we are all well aware that the basis of every great skincare routine starts with a good cleanse, so if you haven’t yet heard of the 60-second rule to getting better skin you need to listen up.
The 60-second rule is a cleansing method by Nayamka Roberts-Smith. The method is simple, Nayamka urges you to wash your face for 60 seconds straight to let the cleanser ingredients really penetrate the skin. Remembering to use your fingertips while creating a circular motion as this allows you to thoroughly cleanse areas such as under your chin and around your hairline which we often forget about.
By cleansing your skin for 60 seconds you are softening the skin and dissolving sebum blockages better. According to Nayamka cleansing your face for 60 seconds allows the ingredients in the cleanser to actually work because most people only wash their face for 15 seconds max.
Although the technique may sound obvious which I guess it kind of is, it’s been remarked as a game changing. So much so, that it’s earned the hashtag #60secondrule and a following of fans who swear by the method.
Take a look below at some of the before and after images of #60secondrule and let us know if you have given it a try. X
I have always struggled with acne and acne scars which are the worst..I will definitely try the 60 seconds routine and will come back and post the results after a month 😅
I would gladly love to try this Nyamaka 60 secondscleasing , I think it will help me on the acne problem