5 Things To Know About Surviving A Breakup

We have all been there, and it is fair to say a breakup is not an easy obstacle to overcome.

The one thing you do need to know that surviving a break up is possible. It is a slow process, but you will recover and life will go on as good, if not better than before.


Here are some tips that might make your recovery just a little easier.


It’s okay to be sad

We tend to often associate weakness with crying. But this is certainly not the case, because unfortunately the pain that comes with a breakup is often like no other. Making it totally okay to be sad for more than a few days. Getting over a broken heart takes time. Let yourself be sad and let yourself be sad for a while. Don’t wallow on it but rather recognise your feelings and allow them to happen, because by pretending they are not there will only make it even harder to get past them.


Your thoughts can derail you 

Your very worst enemy, even at the best of times is your mind. We often allow ourselves to over think and unpack every little thing often leaving us to believe that we are less of a person because of this breakup. That we are failures and completely unlovable, well stop right there, because that is not the case. Pay attention to your thoughts, if they are negative push them back because they are only prolonging your healing period.


Stop checking their social media

One of the things that will hinder your healing process is stalking your ex. Be honest and ask yourself how do you feel after stalking your ex? Most of us would say that we feel even worse off by doing so, so therefore don’t do it. So resist the urge to play FBI. If that even means you have to unfriend, block or unfollow your ex on social media so be it. And remember not everything posted on social media is a true reflection.


Don’t play victim 

When are hearts are broken, it is very easy to take on the role as the victim in the situation. By playing victim you give up your power, which leaves you feeling sorry for yourself instead of taking responsibility for your actions and working on healing yourself.


Know that you will find love again 

We often tend to believe that we will never love or be loved again after going through a heart wrenching breakup. We also tend to get anxiety at even the thought of dating again. But let us promise you that you will find love again, there is someone out there for everyone.


So believe that you will love again and don’t ever let your ex take your power away. Stand up for yourself and remember who you are! Because rubies you are amazing!

To see more on getting over a breakup click here.




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3 thoughts on “5 Things To Know About Surviving A Breakup

  1. Patricia M. says:

    I needed to read something like this and yes it’s true that stalking them only brings pain again n back to square 1 after that. So ignore or blocking is the best way to move on n heal. Breakups are from hell because the pain is just too much and moving on can very challenging but needs to be done like it or not. Nice topic.