British beauty blogger Emma Ford from the blog mypaleskin lets us in on how difficult it is to be yourself in today’s real world especially when it comes to social media.
Thanks to social media platforms and an instagram filter here and there, our perception of beauty has been so wrongly skewed that we don’t actually realise that it is not real. Along with this false perception of what is beautiful comes a whole lot of bullying and nastiness.
As women we should rise up by uplifting others not by bashing them down.
When Emma began to develop adult acne she started to share images on social media both with and without makeup. Her videos went viral when she posted the video “You Look Disgusting” on her YouTube Channel. This video as shown below included some of the horrific comments left behind by followers about her appearance. This is only one of the many instances which occur on a daily basis where girls are seen leaving horrible comments on one another’s posts or photographs.
We need to remember that behind close doors we are all fighting some sort of battle that no one is aware of, thats why it is vital that we stand by one another rather then break one another down. That nasty comment left on a girls image could be the final straw, that mean meme you tagged someone in could be the last straw.
Lets do what we do best and uplift one another and stand as one because we truly do not know how much one nasty word can hurt someone.
Share this message if you agree with it – you never know how it may change someone else’s perspective and make them think before they leave that nasty comment.
Rubies lets continue to rise by uplifting others. x
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