Did you know it is okay to not be okay?
Self-care, wellness and mental health are some of the most discussed topics in todays day and age. We are thankful for this because finally we have learn’t the importance of unraveling our masks and accepting that me-time is totally okay.
Pampering and self-care are often mistaken for the same thing. Such as some may ask is a glass of wine self-care? But we don’t want our self-care to become self-sabotage. Self-care is health care, nourishment for the mind, soul and body which in turn nurtures the future you. In short we love ourselves a glass of wine, but is it really contributing to a better you down the line?
In todays world finding the time to head to a yoga class or just a solar walk some days seem impossible to fit into our busy schedules. But in order to practice self-care you do not need to invest huge chunks of your day, you can wake up in the morning and do a few stretches before jumping into the shower, or savour the last sip of your morning coffee or even sit outside in the sun for 5 minutes just taking in your surroundings.
Along with taking 5 minutes out of your day to just be still we advise you to learn how to embrace yourself, this is a very important step when it comes to self-love even if it is only for a minute. Why you ask? To feel, strong, confident and a quick pick me up. It can be as simple as a couple of deep breathes before walking into a meeting, we suggest you try adding a mantra. A mantra gives your mind something constructive to focus on such as “I am ready, I am prepared”. We believe a vision board is something great to wake up to and will leave you feeling inspired. It will help you align your mind for the busy day a head as it is a reminder of the journey your are on, click here to create your vision board.
To see more tips on self-care click here to read our article on Why We Need Self Love.
Eix I realize I don’t care about myself I read this article soo thank you for this I realy need this.
Thanks for the eye opening article l’m always busy with chores and looking after kids and others but from now on l will spare time for me myself and l #SelfLove
Wish I had more time for myself
Honestly, I need to allow myself for a self care to be a better me. Ever since I became a mother over 5 years ago, I’ve forgotten about myself and the focus has been on being a good mother and a wife while neglecting myself in the process.
This article has however reminded me that I matter too. I’m going to focus on me in order to be a better mom and wife ☺💕.
I matter!!!
Not me😒mother of 2, first kid is 5 years old and last is 5months so imagine. I don’t have time to unwind and enjoy me. If it’s not finances living the pocket its something else. Focus is more on them then me.
Forgot to add work and school as im doing my 2nd year now. Everything full time.
A good read that I needed right now more than ever.
😬😬😩I have my day whereby I’ll look like a crazy woman while some days I’ll look like a little girl queen 👑.. Smelling nice and all dressed up 💕💕❤️😂
Hi… Rubybox………I don’t have time for self care as I’m constantly ….but I will make a start….. thank you…lovely article.
I don’t seem to have time for self care anymore. Truth is there are places I can cut down on like phone time and just have a moment for me. To just be in my thoughts, in my journal or just in my quiet time. I need to do better for me.
Oh wow. This article reminded me of myself so much. I also realised thag by making a vision board is what I used to do for myself and just slacked when it comes to that. I used to be the person, writing in her journal, taking notes of everything… What happened to that side of me? Why am I not making time for that anymore.
Ever since my 3rd born, it has been more than a year now and I have not been doing these things for myself. It seems as though I always have something else to do, either at home or with the kids and started feeling that it’s okay as long as the kids are sorted.
OH well I can definitely see that by not taking that time out or having that self care, it has taken a toll on my body, my skin and so much more.
I am still young and have to make that choice to make a difference, I am the one that needs to realise that I need it more than anything.