Bloggers Review: L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Red Cream

We all know aging can be scary and not as graceful as expected. Everything starts to gradually slow down and your skin loses that youthful glow, leaving you looking tired all the time. However, with L’Oréal Paris Revitalift Energizing Red Cream those aging issues will become a thing of the past.

We asked our blogger to share what they thought about the L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Red Cream and needless to say they had plenty to share. Some love the products so much they have incorporated it into their daily skincare routine never to change again. Who doesn’t love a product that works, am I right? Saying goodbye to fine lines has just been that much easier and the ladies are lovely the #glowup that has happened since using the L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Red Cream.

Click Here to read the ruby reviews

Have a look at what the bloggers had to say about the incredible L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Red Cream

#rubybox #rubyboxrevitared #instantglow #revitaliftredcream #lorealparisza #myglowup

Alethea Ross: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Cody Fletcher: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Saffiya Khan: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram


Laura Murphy: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Jennifer Raderman: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Tejumade: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Nanah Ndlovu: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Gabby: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Fay B: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Thandiwe Brenda Zuma: Check out her posts and give her a follow on Instagram

Will you give the L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Red Cream a go on your next trip to the shops?

Let us know in the comments below if you will be purchasing this product and reaping the rewards!

rubybox HQ


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15 thoughts on “Bloggers Review: L’Oreal Paris Revitalift Red Cream

    • Rebeccah Kefilwe P. says:

      Hi, am sure it will work on ur face I had to buy mine for testing since a friend who received the products to deliver 3 weeks ago did not keep to her promises.

  1. Bonita D. says:

    I had the privilege of testing this awesome product… My skin was looking a bit dull and l’oreal revitalift was exactly what it needed… Guess I have a whole new range to buy this month 😍

  2. carol g. says:

    I’ve purchased the day cream and it was such a great product. Great price ! Super long it lasting. Finished mine after 3 months. Smells amazing. So hydrating and I always get compliments on how my skin smells from bae when I wear this cream.

  3. Pingback: Anonymous

  4. Rudzani M. says:

    Is this product for any age group? I’m 30 and just wondering if I’m in the right age group to use anti wrinkle products🙈 #rubybox #rubyboxrevitared #instantglow #revitaliftredcream #lorealparisza #myglowup