Did you know that honey works as a natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory as well as can help with acne and insomnia.
There are multiple beauty uses for honey, from face masks, shampoos, lotions, lip balms and more. Take a look below at ways honey can help you step up your beauty game.
Moisturising Face Mask –
Raw honey hydrates the skin leaving it soft, radiant and glowing. The sugars in honey increase the water content as well as reduce dryness in the skin.
Try it: Apply raw honey directly on the skin and leave it on for up to 20 minutes, then rinse and massage it off with luke warm water.
Gentle Exfoliant –
Over time raw honey crystallises over time, creating tiny granules which can act as a gentle exfoliant. When the come into contact with water and heat the break down making for a gentle scrubber. Seeing as raw honey is also anti-bacterial you can use it as a daily face wash as well.
Try it: Warm the honey in your hands and then apply directly to your skin in circular motions do this for a couple of minutes before wiping it off with a damp towel.
Scar Fader –
The antioxidant properties in honey renew damaged skin. Keep an eye out for honey which is infused with propolis as it will help fade stretch marks as well as skin discolouration.
Try it: Massage raw honey on the scar and massage the area for two minutes before rinsing off.
Wound healer –
Due to being a natural antiseptic, honey helps heal wounds as well as disinfect them.
Try it: Apply raw honey directly to the affected area and leave it for some time before rinsing it off.
Lip balm –
Honey is great for chapped lips it hydrates the lips will leaving them smooth and moist.
Try it: Apply raw honey to your lips and leave it on as a mask for a couple of minutes then wash it off. Otherwise you can buy lip balm which is made purely from honey mixed with natural enzymes.
Sleep aid –
Honey causes for a slow, steady spike of insulin which converts into the sleep hormones serotonin and melatonin.
Try it: Eat a spoonful of honey 15 minutes before bed time, or if you tend to wake up during the night have a spoonful then.
Let us know if you will be giving any of these tips a go. X
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