Tip Tuesday #47

How to select cleansers and moisturisers for your dry skin.

If you have dry skin the goal of a cleanser/moisturiser is to nourish and moisturise the skin while reducing aggression and irritations.

For cleansing – Avoid soaps, rather look for cleansing products enriched with protecting and moisturising ingredients. We recommend Trixera+ Selectiose Emollient Cleansing Gel from Eau Thermale Avène.

For moisturising – Use emollients which moisturise and nourish the skin while ensuring a good cohesion of the epidermis. This is necessary for the proper functioning of the protective skin barrier. It is important to use emollients often, ideally on a daily basis. We recommend Hydrance Optimale Hydrating Serum from Eau Thermale Avène.

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