Exfoliation is a must when it comes to your skin care regime. It prevents your skin from appearing dull and flakey and it helps achieve that smooth, blemish free, glowing look.
However exfoliation can become rather confusing when it comes to your skin type and which products you should use and how often you should use them.
But no need to look further, we have broken down how to exfoliate according to your skin type.
Sensitive Skin
Even those with sensitive skin need to exfoliate, just be sure to do so gently and only once a week. Since sensitive skin is prone to dryness and redness when irritated so be sure to look for products that contain lactic acid. Lactic acid is known to not only be a gentle exfoliator but will hydrate your skin in the process. Once you have exfoliated we suggest you apply a soothing, moisturising serum or moisturiser afterwards.
Dry Skin
Dry skin certainly requires exfoliation in order to remove the layers of dead skin cells. If you don’t exfoliate regularly the layers of dead skin cells will sit on the surface of your skin making it difficult for other skin care products to penetrate your skin. Like with sensitive skin, dry skin does not need harsh scrubs or aggressive products. So if you have dry skin it is suggested that you exfoliate at least twice a week.
Normal/Combination Skin
Normal skin can be dry in some areas and oilier in others. This skin type often can change with the seasons becoming drier in winter and feeling oilier in summer. We suggest that you opt for facial acids which include glycolic and salicylic.
If you find some areas more oilier than others you can use a stronger product on those areas or even just exfoliate those areas more often. With this skin type it is helpful to apply a moisturising serum after exfoliating or even a serum that treats a specific skincare issue.
Oily Skin
It is extremely important to exfoliate oily skin often in order to prevent the occurrence of pimples, blackheads and clogged pores. We suggest you use products which contains salicylic acid if you have oily skin but remember not to overdo it as oily skin can even become red and irritated as well. Another key ingredient when it comes to oily skin is using products which contain charcoal, you can exfoliate your skin up to 3 times a week if needed as this skin type can be exfoliated more often than other skin types.
When it comes to exfoliating all skin types remember you must avoid rubbing too hard. Even if you have oily skin you can damage your skin if you are too aggressive. You can also use a facecloth to exfoliate your face, just do not scrub too hard and remember you need the cloth to properly dry between uses to avoid bacteria from manifesting.
Rubies do you exfoliate your face? X
I use to exfoliate my face one’s a week but there’s no time, but I will have to start making time. Thanks