Problem Skin Care Routines

Ever wake up with those annoying pimples which have just popped over night?

Well we have the answers for you.

Here are some skincare tips to help avoid or treat acne:

Wash your sheets – 

We underestimate the amount of dirt and bacteria that accumulates every day in our sheets. Therefore it is recommended that you wash your sheets and pillowcases once a week in hot water.

Cleanse thoroughly – 

We cannot express the importance of washing your face thoroughly. We suggest you use a warm face cloth to wash your face, reason being is that when you splash your face with water all your makeup, sweat and oil move down your face towards the bottom of your jawline. Use a face cloth to gently remove you make up and any other dirt from your face and neck area.

Clean your phone –

We are unaware of everything we touch on a day to day basis. According to studies cellphones are ten times dirtier than your average public toilet. Gross right! Remember that everything you touch gets transmitted to your phones. We then use our hands to touch our face therefore it is important that you wipe your phone down daily.

Gut health is NB –

Eat healthy and get in all the essential fatty acids in order to keep your gut healthy. We recommend you take a probiotic for acne and inflammatory skin, this will not only aide your skin but your gut.

Wash you face after sweating – 

It is important for you to remember to wash your face after a sweaty workout. Sweat causes pores to become blocked as well as creating a cocktail of dirt on your face with a mix of your moisturisers and makeup which has all blended together. No sink, no excuse, keep face wipes in your gym bag and give your face a wipe down in the car.
