Besides sun exposure, eating the incorrect foods are one of the main culprits when it comes to skin damage and premature aging.
But this is not all bad news because our diet can be a powerful tool in fighting the aging process and helping our bodies protect our skin. This doesn’t mean you can never eat fries again, but it is all about finding a good balance of whole nutritious foods.
Here is a list of healthier swaps for healthier skin:
Sweet potato fries – We all know how great fries taste, but they aren’t exactly the best choice when it comes to healthy skin. This is because both fried foods and salt can be harmful for the body in the long run.
When food is fried at high temperatures it releases free radicals, which in turn speeds up the aging process and causes cellular damage to the skin. Therefore we suggest you reach for sweet potato fries instead. They are rich in anti-aging copper which aids in the production of collagen.
Poultry – Opt for meats that are not processed as these often contain very high amounts of sodium, sulphates and saturated fats. Processed foods has been shown to dehydrate the skin and cause inflammation.
Swopping out processed foods for either chicken or turkey is a great alternative as they are packed with amino acids. Amino acids are important as they aid in the natural formation of collagen.
Avocado or Olive oil – We all know how yum margarine may taste but did you know that it can make the skin more vulnerable to UV radiation, which can damage collagen and elasticity.
Therefore for a healthy swop, try using avocado or olive oil in its place. You can spread these on sandwiches or even use them to top a baked potato. Both foods are rich in anti-aging antioxidants, bonus.
Fruit with honey and yoghurt – Consuming too much sugar will lead to a number of health issues. Not only does sugar lead to health issues but it speeds up the aging process of the skin by damaging your skins collagen.
If you tend to have a sweet tooth, try satisfy your sweet craving with fresh fruit and greek yoghurt with a hint of drizzled honey.
Sprouted wheat bread – Time to ditch the processed carbs if radiant skin is the look you are trying to achieve. Instead opt for antioxidant-rich sprouted grain breads that contain no added sugars. They are hearty and will keep you fill for long periods and your skin will certainly appreciate it.
Let us know if you have any healthy food swops that you swear by for glowing skin . X
Great article thank-you rubybox
Thank you so much for these healthy tips, I love a clear skin cz it boost my confidence
Having the best beautiful skin is everything especially on the face once I have one pimple I get worried..drinking a lot of water and take care of my skin and there’s also a morning and night face routine I love
Great article, thanks. Lots of water, fruit and veg intake are also good for a glowing skin
By reading this article I have come to encounter the importance of eating healthy, when it comes to food am definitely going to follow it and cut out all unhealthy food
My my my, Lord knows how much I always try but fail, help me try again to live a healthy life, I know how much I want this so help me Lord
Thank you for this article. Will definitely pass this on to my daughter and hubby. Will definitely try the honey on my Yogurt, the next time.
We all want good healthy skin to be radiant and young so less sugar And drinking water often helps things like avocado and olive oil definitely needed we need to take care of ourselves weather old or young a healthy skin is what we all want
Thank you I have cut a lot of sugar intake and drinking a lot of water and fruits I will also try more vegetables
Eating healthy adds to a better lifestyle