Breakouts are one thing but the gift they leave behind is another, acne scars!
Acne scars are common especially if you suffer from regular breakouts.
Acne scars appear either as red marks on lighter-skinned women or as hyper-pigmentation or brown marks on darker skin tones. Acne scarring can even cause your skin texture to become permanently uneven.
So the next time you are dealing with post inflammation on your face, give these treatments a try:
Use a retinoid!
By introducing a retinoid into your skin routine you will stimulate the collagen production which will fill concave scars and soften the edges of the scars. Click here to find out how you can help your body produce more collagen. By improving your bodies collagen production you will improve your skins overall texture.
Get exfoliating!
It is important that you apply a product that contains glycolic acid at least once a week (this can differ depending on your skins sensitivity levels) to get rid of dead skin cells. Exfoliating will eventually smooth the edges of your scars. Have you tried the latest face washing trend? click here to find out more.
Don’t leave the house without sun block!
SPF is actually the most important acne scar treatment. It helps tremendously when it comes to reducing hyper-pigmentation as well as prevents your acne scars from becoming darker.
Coconut oil doesn’t solve everything believe it or not!
Coconut oil is often used to soothe inflammation, but on the face it can do the exact opposite. It can actually clog pores and cause scars, we advise you to stay away.
Give laser a try!
Laser treatments create micro-injures in the skin, which activate the production of collagen as they heal. Dermatologists recommend the Fraxel Dual laser for acne scaring and if you suffer from post-inflammatory redness they recommend that you opt for IPL, which targets red capillaries.
Do a chemical peel!
A chemical peel can improve your skin’s tone as well as its texture, in turn it helps to reduce the appearance of scaring. Depending on the intensity of the scaring you may require a deeper peel, we advise you speak to a professional when you are seeking advise on chemical peels.
Good old cortisone!
But please note only when in doubt get hold of your GP or Dermatologist. Cortisone is known to work magic it reduces inflammation and helps flatten scars over night but if used too often it will start thinning out your skin.
(Kindly note if you are experiencing any serious skin issues please seek medical advice from your Dermatologist)
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