Sensodyne Pronamel is about to make you Say Hello to Pronamel and goodbye to weakened enamel!
With three specially formulated products, Sensodyne Pronamel has created the perfect everyday solution to prevent, protect and repair your teeth from enamel erosion, whilst keeping your teeth white, protected, and extra fresh!
We all know how food is such a big part of our lives, however, the food we eat does contain many acids and fluids that are not good for our teeth and eat away our enamel.
With the Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste, you can worry less about the acids in your diet which can weaken the enamel surface on your teeth.
If you feel like your teeth feel sensitive and damaged from enamel erosion or want to protect, rebuild, restore and refresh your teeth with a toothpaste that has been proven to be gentle and healthy for your teeth and gums, Sensodyne Pronamel is for you.
Sensodyne Pronamel is available in 3 different variants:
- 75ml Sensodyne Pronamel Gentle Whitening at R52.99 per unit
- 75ml Sensodyne Pronamel Daily Protection at R52.99 per unit
- 75ml Sensodyne Pronamel Extra Fresh at R52.99 per unit
We have profiled and selected rubies that will be testing, reviewing, and showing us their journey of saying Hello to Pronamel and Goodbye to Weakened Enamel.
Watch what these selected members have to say on social media by following the below hashtags over the next few months:
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
Will definitely give it a try
Pronamel sensodyne is a good product , it is best for the sensitivity and sensitive gums . It leaves your teeth whitening and bright
I would definitely love to try it out.
#rubybox #rubyboxPronamel #Goodbyeweakenedenamel
#Sensodyne #Pronamel
I would love to share and try it out.
We a definitely going to try it Pronamel sensodyne
I would like to try it out since I also have sensitive gums.
I’d love to try it.
Will definitely try it.
#rubybox #rubyboxPronamel #Goodbyeweakenedenamel
#Sensodyne #Pronamel
Will love to try it for whittening and gums☺☺.
Sensodyne Pronamel is good, helps also with sensitive gym problem and teeth becomes white.
I would like to try it ☺️ Thanks #Rubybox
I’d love to try it out!!
Definitely I would love to try it
I would love to try it…
These past two weeks I have seen a significant change on the brightness of my teeth,the sensodyne Pronamel gentle whitening works wonders.
I will definitely recommend this to everyone I know.
I will definitely try it out😊😊😊
#rubybox #rubyboxPronamel
I will want to try pronamel if jm given the chance
With my sentive gums, I would love to try it out.
I would love to try this
I would love to try it
Wow ..I would love to try it
Sensodyne pro enamel is great! I love it because now I can enjoy my lovely tea and coffee ☕ without worrying about sensitivity and discoloration of my teeth
I will definitely love to try it
Definitely going to give it a try. Thank you for the this insight. 👌💕
Will have to give it a try…😉
I would love to try it.
I can definitely attest to the relief of Pronamel. It is in fact instant. My first encounter with Pronamel was when I consulted with my dentist due to sensitivity caused by lemon water. The lemon water damaged my enamel so much that all my teeth were sensitive. I used Pronamel as per the dentist’s recommendation, and I never looked back. And of course since it is my favorite toothpaste, I would like to be given some to continue using as I continue to recommend it to others.
I would definitely love to try this because I have sensitive gums.
I will definitely want to try Pronamel sensodyne into my teeth
I would like to try it, I have a problem with gums I hope it will help me resolve my problem.
I would like to try it out.
Sensodyne Pronamel is very good for my Oral hygiene. Even my tonsils are much better, I smell fresh and my teeth are no longer sensitive. It’s been just a month using it
Wow I actually have sentive teeth, I cannot wait to try this new product from Sensodyne!
Sensodyne Pronamel looks like an extremely good product!! I’m sure it will do wonders to my teeth 👍
Thank you rubybox, I received my goodies. Pronamel is the best, leaves teeth white and fresh, bought 1 way before I received my goodies, had problems with sensitive gums but I’m good now thanks to pronamel sensodyne😀
#rubybox #rubyboxPronamel #Goodbyeweakenedenamel
#Sensodyne #Pronamel
I would definitely love to try it. “Pronamel , goodbye Weakened Enamel.
Hello Prona,el, Goodbye Weakened Enamel .I would definitely love to try it.
Hello Pronamel ,Goodbye Weakened Enamel.I would love to try it.
Clean teeth is the best.. I will be happy to try pronamel sensidyne
I will like try sensodyne pronamel since I have sensitive teeth also bleeding gums.
#HELLO pronamel
#goodbye weakened enamel
Good reviews….will most definitely try it out!
Looking forward on trying it out
I am definitely going to try out
Thank u rubybox for always giving us good ideas and try outs
Me and my son have sensitive gums, will definitely like to try it
I will like to try and share with friends pronamel sensodyne toothpaste
rubybox #rubyboxPronamel #Goodbyeweakenedenamel
#Sensodyne #Pronamel
I will definitely love to try it out
Very good on my teeth and the breath smells good
I would really like to try it out.
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
Value of my money and tender love and care for my teeth and gums 😁😁😁
I would like to try it out cause l have sensitive gums
I love it.. my smile is extra white. #rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
Pronamel Sensodyne. As it is best for the sensitive gums I wammn Tyr it because my gums are very sensitive
I would definitely love to try it out as i have very sensitive teeth, have had to remove a lot whzre by the dr said i cnt remove anymore because it will b hard to chew
#rubybox #rubyboxPronamel #Goodbyeweakenedenamel
#Sensodyne #Pronamel
Awesome will definitely give it a try, I’m 70 my teeth are very sensitive, dull and the enamel is wearing off.
Sensodyne has always been the best.pronamel will definitely do the mot
I was selected to test the product with 9 friends. I filled all relevant information with my friends e mails. Received no product.
I would like try this Toothpaste with me and my family.
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
I would really love to test the product. I have heard good reviews but the taste is in the pudding 😜😊
Clean teeth are everything!
Sad I was not selected to test this product because I real needed it but I can’t wait to read the reviews from selected Rubbies and get myself one
I which I can test it, I’ve heard a lot of good things about this toothpaste.
I so wish to be one of them testing #rubyboxpronamel
I had the pleasure of trying out this wonderful product and to say impressed is an understatement. The best thing about testing it in winter is that my teeth are sensitive during this season so i was able to gauge if it really works. And definitely it does work for me. I have included it into my dental care routine.
#rubyboxsensodynepronamel #goodmorningpronamel #pronamelmorningsquad #pronamel
First time I saw it on the shop I wanted to buy it but I couldn’t afford it , as I have sensitive in gums . I would like to try it for a text wish I could be selected
Mh I so wish to be one of them testing it. #rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
This would awesome to teste,i would like to try this
I would like to try it out…clean teeth is everything
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
I always wanted a toothpaste that will protect my teeth and also make them whiter. I hope pronamel does the trick…. It would my number 1 toothpaste of choice
I wish could be one of the tester, I really need it.
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenednamel
I cannot wait to test it.
I would like to try it definitely
Looking for the tooth paste that will protect and whitening my teeth…pronamel is the answers..
I’ve seen this toothpaste in the shop but was unsure of how good it is. Would really love to try it!
#rubyboxpronamel #hellopronamel #goodbyeweakenedenamel #iswhatyoueateatingyourenamel
I always wanted a toothpaste that will protect my teeth and also make them whiter. I hope pronamel will also help because my teeth are sensitive
This would be awesome to test!!!!
I will be more than happy to try a new and useful toothpaste
This would be wonderful to test out with my family and friends.
I will be happy to try it since I have sensitive teeth