Lemons are well known for their array of health benefits. They are rich in many vitamins and antioxidants, aiding in immune-boosting.
Starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water will do wonders for your health.
How? We list some of the reason below:
Cleanses the system –
Lemons are acidic, therefore when accompanied with water they act as a diuretic. Resulting in an increase of urination, the body is then able to flush out all harmful chemicals and toxins.
Lemon water also aides in increasing the production of enzymes that stimulate liver detoxification.
Clears skin –
Lemons contain antioxidants that are known to help compensate dead skin cells. Lemons heal blemishes as well as protect the skin from any potential harm. Along with revitalising your skin, lemons delay the process of aging.
Energy booster –
Vitamin C is well known for being a great mood booster and lemons are rich in this vitamin. Resulting in the reduction of fatigue, depression, stress and anxiety.
Promotes better digestion –
Lemon juice produces citric acids which helps reduce cramps and stomach pains. Lemon water cleanses the liver and by doing so, it promotes bile production. Bile is an acid which is essential when it comes to digestion. Lemons help cleanse and flush out water in the digestive tract this in turn relieves indigestion issues such as belching, bloating and heartburn.
Boost immune system –
Due to being a great source of Vitamin C, lemons increase your immune systems resistance to disease and help fight off the common colds. They are also rich in potassium, which is a mineral that helps control blood pressure levels.
Balances pH levels –
Citric as well as ascorbic acid help to alkalise the blood. Lemons contain both these acids and as a result they have the ability to balance the acidity in the body. According to studies when the body has an acidic pH this is when disease often enters. Regular consumption of lemon water can regulate the acidity in the body and in turn prevent diseases such as uric acid.
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