Foods That Can Help Your Body Produce Collagen

As we all know diet plays a surprisingly large role in the appearance and youthfulness of our skin and a lot of this comes down to collagen.

Collagen is the protein that gives skin its structure, suppleness and stretch. As we age we produce less collagen in our skin year after year, hence the tendency towards wrinkles and thinning of skin the older we get.

So we have put together a list of foods which will help produce collagen in your body.


Bone broth

Bone broth has been named one of the most popular sources of collagen when it comes to word of mouth. Since bone broth is made of bones and connective tissue, it contains calcium, magnesium and collagen along with many other nutrients.

To guarantee the quality of your broth, try making your own with bones purchased from a reputable butcher.



There’s a reason why many collagen supplements are derived from chicken. If you have ever cut up a whole chicken, you’ve probably noticed how much connective tissue poultry contains. This tissue makes chicken a rich source of dietary collagen.

Several studies show that chicken is used as a source of collagen when treating arthritis.



Much like other animals, fish and shellfish have bones and ligaments made up of collagen. Many have claimed that marine animals collagen is one of the most easily absorbed.

But we don’t actually tend to consume the parts of fish that are the highest in collagen, like the head, scales or eyeballs.


Egg whites 

Egg whites have a large amount of amino acids which are necessary for collagen production, making them one of the top foods we recommend you add into your diet.


Citrus fruits 

Vitamin C plays a major role in the production of pro-collagen, making it vital that we get enough vitamin C in our day-to-day diet.

Try to add a citrus fruit into your daily diet whether it be an orange, grapefruit or a lemon.



Another hidden source of vitamin C is tomatoes. One medium tomato can provide up to 30 percent of collagen.

Tomatoes also boast large amounts of the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which aids in skin support. 

Therefore to help your body do its best when it comes to the production of collagen, you can’t go wrong with a high-collagen, plant foods and vegetable diet.


Extra Tip: If you would like to see an even more dramatic result try to stay away from too much sugar and refined carbs as these can cause inflammation which will hinder the production of collagen.

So rubies – do you eat any of these foods daily or do you prefer taking a collagen powder, liquid or supplement?