Featured Blog Post: ‘Our aim is to inspire woman of all cultures, shape or hair-type’ [Kay attitude est.17]

How often have you been asked to relax your hair? How does that make you feel? Society is initiating that the ideal beauty image comes in the form of a woman with sleek hair break that barrier?

Our aim is to inspire woman of all cultures. To reach out ,not only to South African woman, but on a global scale, for women all over the world, to regain their perspective of “authenticity”, to view the “natural self ” as a ”beauty image ”

Our looks are outer expressers the manifestations of our focus, which is to embrace natural beauty.

Welcome to the fusion of two individuals with the same ‘hair-itage. ‘

Just like our hair types differs, SO DO OUR ROOTS

Why natural? Each and every women has her own reasons as to why she wants to go back to her roots.

Society perceives straight hair as beautiful and professional as opposed to curly hair – which is viewed as unprofessional and untidy.

The natural hair movement has been around for a while and is making an impact in and around the world TODAY.

Being natural does not only indicate adherence to specific hair products and hair care but also evolving from within.

Going natural should not be tied to cultural believes ,but to self -admission, self –acceptance by taking on the journey to become a better woman and not allow your hair texture to blind your vision.

Are you comfortable with the image reflected in the mirror? How often were you approached ABOUT IT? How often were you told to straighten you hair? How often were you told you do not fit in because of your hair type?


Blog site: thekayattitude.wixsite.com

We deliver a ‘streetified’ sense of fashion by matching up our looks to suit the sassy- 20 -something woman.

We offer affordable fashion tips from The Fix.

We exist to create a movement to impact young woman today and for them to accept their “ROOTS”. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL .


Kayla & Kalyn – Email : thekayattitude@gmail.com

Photographer : (@iambryanbanda)

Blogsite, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube