Wanting to smooth out certain areas?
Along with diet you can do these simple exercise moves to assist in lessening the appearance of cellulite. Follow below for the top 5 moves to combat the appearance of cellulite.
The Routine (Light hand weights needed)
Single Leg Bridge
Single Leg Dead lift
Banded Clam Trio
Banded Side Step Squat
Curtsy Lunge
The Move: Single Leg Bridge
How to: Lie on the floor with your feet flat and knees bent. Raise one leg off the ground. Execute the movement by driving through the heel, extending your hip upward and raising your glutes off the ground. Extend as far as possible, pause, and then return to the starting position. You can add resistance like in this video below:
The Move: Single Leg Dead lift
How to: Hold a weight in one hand, hanging to the side. Stand on one leg, on the same side that you hold the kettle bell. Keeping that knee slightly bent, perform a stiff-legged dead lift by bending at the hip, extending your free leg behind you for balance. Continue lowering the kettle bell until you are parallel to the ground, and then return to the upright position. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Again with this move you can incorporate resistance with a weight once you are comfortable with the move – see below:
The Move: Banded Clam Trio
How to: Place the resistance band around your knees. Lie down on your side with your knees pointed forward and bent at a 90-degree angle. Lift your top knee upward 8-12 inches, keeping your foot in place against the bottom foot. Lower your knee back down to the bottom knee. This completes one repetition. See below:
The Move: Banded Side Step Squat
How to: Place a resistance band just below your knees. Begin standing with feet directly underneath your hips, and squat about halfway down. Take a step sideways to the right as far as you can. To fully activate the muscle, be sure to step onto your heel rather than your toes. Actively resist the pull of the exercise band as you bring your left leg slowly toward your right, returning to the starting position. Step to the right 20-30 times, then reverse directions, stepping to the left 20-30 times. You really want to feel the muscle burn.
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The Move: Curtsy Lunge
How to: Start standing with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Lift your left leg off the ground and step your left foot diagonally behind you, bending both knees to lower your butt toward the floor. Be sure to keep your chest lifted and your spine long. Driving through your right heel, come back to standing. Kick your left foot out to your left side and move directly into the next rep without placing your left foot back on the ground.
Have you tried these moves before rubies? Which move is your favourite and which is your least favourite?
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