No more dinner date nights or drinks out with your man, no more getting dressed up and putting on a sexy red lip.
Lockdown certainly has played a part in our dating lives, and wearing pj’s all day is definitely comfy – but it can be a damper in the sex department. If you are looking for a way to turn the heat up then listen up. Drive your man wild with these 9 pleasure spots.
These areas on your man’s body will drive him wild (besides the obvious ‘place’) if touched the right way. Read below to see if there are any new spots you haven’t explored yet with you man.
1. The Soft inside area of his elbows
Experiment gently with pressure and rhythm in this area as there are more lymph nodes under the arm, the skin is also thinner so this area on your man will be very sensitive. If you hear a heavy sigh from your man that is a good sign that he is enjoying it.
2. His Nipples
Ok to start some men do have very sensitive nipples so play with pressure here and see if he enjoys. Start by slowly touching his nipples and the area around them, running your fingers gently back and forth. Play with pressure here and gently pinch to get things heated. Make sure to listen to his reaction and see what he enjoys.
3. His Third Eye
Not what you are thinking, the third eye is a pressure point in the middle of the forehead. Holding your thumb and slowly pressing for about 60 seconds will help to ease some of your partner’s tension.
4. His Head
Again, not what you are thinking. His actual head – remember ‘the egg head’ joke from school days when you pretend to crack an egg on someone’s head and then roll your fingers down their neck to pretend there is yolk? Yes, it felt good because we do not often touch our heads (besides when we brush or wash). Get him to sit on the bed, kneeling behind him slowly run your fingers on his scalp, play with pressure, and feel him melt as he totally relaxes.
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5. His Lips
Ok, this one seems obvious, but we often forget how sensual lips touching can be. (thinks back to steamy Titanic kiss scene) Start by using your hands and not your lips, gently circle around his mouth with your index finger. This will set his sensory nerves on fire making his body release the love hormone called oxytocin. Need we say more…
6. His Inner Thighs
Remember when he touches you around your inner thighs as things start to heat up? Well if it feels good for you it will feel good for him. By running your fingers gently up his inner you will have him on the verge of ticklish and extremely sensual if you get our drift.
7. His Face
Sit on the bed with your legs crossed and make him lay down with his head in your lap. Use a pillow if needed to make sure his neck is comfortable. Start lightly moving your fingertips around his face, moving up and down in gently strokes. The continuous light movements will create a light but enjoyable ‘electric’ feeling, and with you both already in bed who knows what will happen next.
8. His Scrotum
Just in case it has been a while since you have had a Biology lesson, the scrotum is the skin that holds the testes (your man’s balls). This skin has loads of nerves, so it is very sensitive to touch so any type of touch or massage in this region should be done lightly – unless your man likes more pressure in this area.
9. His Perineum
If you’re not sure how to pronounce this one it rhymes with millennium. The perineum is basically one of his magic spots. Located between the testicles and the anus. We will be the first to admit it does not sound romantic but trust us he will be looking for ways to thank you afterward. Have him undress and stand in front of you, slowly bend down and open his legs, start massaging the area gently and he will soon be screaming with pleasure.
Now that you know how to drive your man wild with these 9 pleasure spots why not set a date with him and heat things up at home.
Learn anything new here rubies? Or do you have a hotspot that drives your man wild to share with us?
rubybox HQ x
The perineum is a bit scary, but I can’t wait to try it. Let’s play and give all the pleasure when we can. Thank you for the lesson 🙏
Thanks for this was a interesting read and it fascinating, some good tips and tricks, maybe we need a followup article – tips for him that we can just have open for him to read :P. I always enjoy the News Letter something to look forward to – Thanks 😉
I will have to put to the test – My Birthday Celebration tonight!!!
Hmmm something new to try
We have our date nights at home relaxing having drinks n candle lite dinner n having our couple fun
Number 8 is a firm favourite! hides face
Definitely worth a try,am using this tips,thank you rubybox
Wow very interesting, I’m definitely trying it 😋
Definitely worth a try!
I have experienced number 9&5 is working very good me. I want to try number 6&8 too definitely it work too
These tips are getting me excited I’m definitely going to try them.
Trying this tonight
I like the fact that you teaching us new things everyday…
Wow very interesting….. Will definitely try this out…. Wink… wink.
mmmm I am trying this most definately