Do You Douche?

For those of you who do not know, douching is a common practice around the globe. It is described as the act of shooting pressurised water or douching gel into the vagina. But with this practice comes a few myths.

So, let’s find out what these myths are when it comes to douching..

Douching will get rid of vaginal odour or itching – Douching is only a temporary fix when it comes to these conditions, in the long run it can even worsen the condition. Douching is actually known to cause an overgrowth in harmful bacteria which can ultimately lead to a yeast infection.

We suggest if you are experiencing any of these conditions that you seek professional medical advice.

Douching before sex, protects you from STIs – According to certain studies douching can actually increase your risk of developing cervical chlamydia, so therefore it is safe to say it certainly will not keep you safe from sexually transmitted infections.

Douching will clean your vagina thoroughly – The female vagina is designed to clean itself therefore douching actually does it an injustice. Women should actually stay away from perfumed gels, antiseptics and douches as it interrupts the natural balance of bacteria in the vagina.

Douching after sex will stop you from falling pregnant – First and for most douching should never be used as a birth control method. Douching could actually propel the sperm into the uterus which actually could result in a pregnancy.

So rubies it is safe to say that douching is a no-no from us.