At Home Workout For Outer & Inner Thighs

Ok so we all know about the abs, the booty and the arms, but what about outer and inner thighs?

We found some easy at home videos (using items you can easily find in any home) which were created by Dana Landgren – click here to view her profile on Instagram.
Watch below and let us know if you’ll be giving these a try and which are your fav moves?



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?? INNER THIGHS!!! What workout do you least enjoy?? Comment below lovelies!! ?‍♀️ Inner thighs is definitely the workout I tend to skip most yet it was the reason why my knee injury reoccurred. ? We tend to focus on our booty & side booty and forget about our inner thighs. This muscular imbalance along with the pressures our knees endure on a daily basis can put our knees at risk of injury. In my case, on going patella dislocations. ?? It’s important to exercise in a balanced manner so our body on a whole is strong & healthy. If you struggle with an injury or aches & pains, have a look at your training & see if there might be some imbalances. ??. . 1️⃣ Lying leg openers x 15. ? DR (diastasis recti) friendly, NOT pregnancy friendly. 2️⃣ Hip thrusts on toes with pillow squeeze x 15. ?? Squeeze the pillow the entire time. ? DR friendly, for pregnancy friendly option raise upper back on the edge of a bench/lounge/bed. 3️⃣ Clams x 15. ?? Option to raise heels or leave them lowered. ? DR friendly, NOT pregnancy friendly. 4️⃣ Sumo squats x 15. ? DR & pregnancy friendly. 5️⃣ Side lunges x 15 each side. ?? To protect your knees be sure they’re tracking in the same direction as your toes. ? DR & pregnancy friendly. . ? I’d love to hear what areas you struggle with so I can create more workouts to suit your needs to ensure you’re keeping to a healthy & fun workout schedule!!! Remember lovelies 1️⃣ round is still always better than none!!! ??????. . #fitness #personaltrainer #doyoueven #pelvicfloorexercises #lowimpactworkout #bodyweighttraining

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?? 2 fun notes!! Turns out @jlo aka Jenny from the Block is voted everyone’s go to celebrity they’d work out with ?‍♀️ (I agree, she is one fit boss babe!) and … I have new artwork which I’m pretty excited about!! So thought I’d feature both in my workout today. ?? Who are your favourite artists to listen to whilst working up a sweat?? ? Remember beautiful friends, 1️⃣ round is still always better than none!!!. . 1️⃣ Rainbow lunges x 15 each side. ? DR (diastasis recti) & pregnancy friendly. 2️⃣ Side step squats x 20 alternating sides. ? DR & pregnancy friendly. 3️⃣ Fire hydrant extensions x 15 each side. ? NOT DR or pregnancy friendly. 4️⃣ Side crunches x 15 each side. ? This is a great variation to build strength for side dips. Let me know how you go with this lovelies. ? DR & pregnancy friendly. 5️⃣ Side lying leg raises x 15 each side. ? DR friendly. For pregnancy friendly option swap for standing side leg raises. . ??‍♀️ I recommend teaming this outer thigh workout with my previous inner thigh workout to keep muscle tone balanced for strong knees & pelvis stability. ?? Be sure to comment below with any workout recommendations so I can add them to my list. And thank you again to all the beautiful ladies reposting my workouts in their stories. ? Sending you all my love & big warm cuddles. Do something today that’ll make you feel proud! You deserve it!!! ?. . #outerthighs #fitness #lowimpactworkout #pelvicfloorexercises #legworkout #athomeworkouts #homeworkouts_4u

A post shared by DANA LANDGREN (@danalandgren) on



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One thought on “At Home Workout For Outer & Inner Thighs

  1. Natasha S. says:

    Yes I will be giving these workouts a try. I have a few favorites which are ” Hip thrusts on toes with pillow squeeze”, “sump squats”, “Side step squats” and “side lying leg raises”. Thank you Dana Landgren for the great videos makes following the routine easy Love your statement “1 round is still always better than none” that is so very motivating.The Lying leg openers seems easy enough😜 Love the Hip thrusts on toes with pillow squeeze would make a great workout and end result must be great and effective☺ Clams looks real difficult😐 Love the sump squats definately one of my favourites💃 Side lunges looks like it can be tiring😰 Rainbow lunges doesn’t look too easy😞 I Love the side step squats workout. Fire hydrant extensions looks difficult. The side crunches you make it look way easier than what it actually is😆 Love the side lying leg raises am definately going to try it. I Absolutely Love that one can do these workouts at home and I am sure they are very effective.