All Time Best Skin Tips


Are you ready rubies? We have the best skincare tips of all time straight from the dermatologists who eat, breathe, and sleep all things ‘skin’ as a job requirement. Take a look at what they had to say:

“Everyone’s skin will suffer from periods when nothing is working. But masks can balance things out quickly. Clays reduce oil, and gels calm redness.” – DR ELLEN MARMUR

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“If you wake up with dry skin, change your bedtime routine, not the morning one. It’s easier to prevent dryness at night than to reverse it the next day.”– DR DORIS DAY

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“When layering, let each product absorb for two minutes so it’s not counteracted or diluted by the next one put on.” – DR NEIL SADICK

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“Use brighteners (like vitamin C) within six months of seeing a dark spot. Melanin goes deeper into skin over time, so it’s harder to reach.” – DR JESSICA WU

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“If you’re breaking out along your hairline, it could be from the oil in your hair products. A foaming face wash cuts through the oil without being harsh.” – DR PATRICIA WEXLER

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“If you wake up to puffy eyes, add an extra pillow under your head while you sleep – gravity drains enough fluid to help with next-day puffiness.” – DR ZEICHNER

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Have you picked up any must-have skincare secrets from your dermatologist? Comment below and let us know x

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