As woman, our days are busy from the start to the end. And, we look great while doing it. As beautifully unique as we are, so are our make-up routines. So, we need a product that is fuss-free, does the job – yet is gentle enough to care for our skins.
Let us introduce you to a product that does all the above and more!
NIVEA Perfect & Radiant 3in1 Micellar Cleansing Water.
NIVEA 3in1 Micellar Cleansing Water does all 3 below in one gentle sweep:
- Deeply cleanses your skin
- Gently removes make-up without rubbing
- Refreshes & tones the skin and supports its beautiful tone and radiant appearance
We’re sending the NIVEA Perfect & Radiant 3in1 Micellar Cleansing Water to profiled rubies to test & review and to see if this powerhouse product really does get the job done!
If you opted in for our ‘Face Cleansing Survey’ a few weeks ago, and you match the product profile then keep a look for an email to see if you have been selected.
We will be notifying the group today and tomorrow, as well as the friends they nominated to share with.
We can’t wait to see the results and to share them with you.
#NIVEASA #rubybox #Perfect&Radiant #NIVEA3in1MIcellarWater
Would love to try it out